Corporate Team Building Activities in Bangalore: Corporate team-building activities are crucial for fostering camaraderie, improving communication, enhancing collaboration, and boosting morale among employees. For corporate team building activities there are 2 types of activities, 1 is indoor-based team building activities in Bangalore and 2nd is outdoor-based team building activities in Bangalore. Based on the weather, resort and age of the team you can choose either indoor or outdoor team-building activities.
Taskmoon is the leading team outing organiser in Bangalore – to conduct fun and core corporate team building activities in Bangalore and offsite team building activities in Bangalore for employees please contact Taskmoon Events Call or Whatsapp at 8825717785 – email

Find the game list below for the best team building activities for your team members all these activities will be played in a short time like 2 to 3 hours or one-day team-building activities (6 to 7 hrs) duration. All our team-building activities are fun and core team building activities.

Corporate Team Building Activities in Bangalore
Corporate Team Building Activities in Bangalore: Taskmoon events is the leader in Corporate Team building activities in Bangalore, We conduct various types of indoor and outdoor team building activities in Bangalore. When Taskmoon events planning team building activities for any company we strongly stick to the essential to consider the interests, preferences, and comfort levels of team members to ensure maximum participation and engagement. Additionally, debriefing sessions after activities can help reinforce key takeaways and insights gained from the experience
Indoor activities are done in a closed space, while outdoor activities are done in an open environment. Indoor activities are carried out inside a space. They are limited to the conditions of the place where they are held, to the number of people participating in the activities, among other factors. Outdoor activities are carried out in an outdoor space. It can be a green space on a property or in contact with nature.
We Taskmoon focus on the following keys while conducting a team bonding activities for any companies.
Improves morale and leadership skills – Finds the barriers that thwart creativity Clearly defines objectives and goals Improves processes and procedures Improves organisational productivity Improves organisational productivity Identifies a team’s strengths and weaknesses Improves the ability to problem solve Remove stress and mental pressure Respect to all.
Team bonding games:- Corporate Team Building Activities in Bangalore
Team bonding games can help team members get to know each other better, develop relationships, and improve communication and trust. Here are some examples of team bonding games:
ICE BREAKER 1- Simple Warm-up
Corporate Team Building Activities in Bangalore: If you’re working with a new team, or you have a new team member, use an icebreaker. If you’re working with an established team, it’s likely a warm-up will be more effective. When it comes to kicking off a meeting, icebreakers help connect people to each other, while warm-ups help connect people to the topic at hand.

Total Members: ALL, Duration: 5 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Location: Indoor / Outdoor
The game planner will give normal comments to the team, the team needs to follow. This will change the team to game mode
ICE BREAKER 2- Idea Mani
Corporate Team Building Activities in Bangalore: An icebreaker is a brief facilitation exercise intended to help members of a group begin the process of working together or forming themselves into a team.An icebreaker is an activity or game designed to welcome attendees and warm up the conversation among participants in a meeting. Many icebreaker games are intended to help a group to begin the process of forming themselves into a team or teams. Some teamwork icebreakers, such as building activities, aid group dynamics by building trust, communication, and the ability to work together.

Total Members: All, Duration: 5 to 7 Minutes, Purpose: Find the Solution, Location: Indoor / outdoor
1. Pass a ball to each team members
2. Try to reduce the time of the ball pass
3. Talk to your team and find the best solution for the lowest time to pass the ball to the entire team.
ICE BREAKER 3 -Musical Ball
Corporate Team Building Activities in Bangalore: Then have everyone pass the ball with the music or as you sing the song. You may want to use a hand drum or pat your knees and play the beat to help them out the first couple of times. When the song ends, whoever has the ball jumps up and gets to toss it to someone. That child then starts the passing game again.

Total Members: All, Duration: 10 to 15 Minutes, Purpose: Fun, Location: Indoor / outdoor
Ball need to pass to the team, Music will play, when the music stop who holds the ball they will out of the game. Its a real fun loaded game for a perfect ice breaker.
ICE BREAKER 4 – Stop – Walk (Reverse)
The walk-stop reverse activity is a game that involves participants walking when you say “stop” and stopping when you say “walk”. You can practice this game for a few minutes in any order. Invite your group to spread throughout a large open space. Issue a series of these two commands, in any order, for 20 to 30 seconds to help your group practice responding.

Total Members: ALL, Duration: 5 Minutes, Activity: Mental and Physical, Location: Indoor / Outdoor
The game planner will give some comments like walk, stop, dance, clap etc; the team need to do the activities in reverse process. Fun and Fast reaction game.
ICE BREAKER 5 – Fast Escape
This is a classic escape trick where two people are connected with ropes, and the challenge is to get free.

Total Members: Pair any numbers, Duration: 5 Minutes, Activity: Mental and Physical, Purpose: Logical Thinking, Location: Indoor / outdoor
Each 2 members will lock using the rope on both hands. They need to lockout the rope from the lock
ICE BREAKER 6 – Knock Out

Duration: 5 Minutes, Activity: Problem Solving, Purpose: Logical Thinking, Location: Indoor / outdoor
All the members will lock their hand like a human knot and they need to turn back with our leave the hand.
Big Picture (Theme of the Team):-
The Big Picture is a creative team building activity where participants work together to create a large piece of art. It can be used as an ice breaker, energizer, or conference finale.

Total Size : All, Duration : 30 to 45 Minutes, Activity: Physical & Thinking, Purpose: Team Goal, Location: Indoor.
The entire team will draw images on a canvas board size of any. Later you can place the drawing in your office. The art may be a concept or future or any thing.
Roller Coaster
The Roller Coaster Challenge is a fun and challenging team-building activity that requires participants to collaborate and innovate to design and build an actual roller coaster that transports a ball across its rickety frame using gravity.

Duration : 30 to 45 Minutes, Activity: Physical & Thinking, Purpose: Team Goal, Location: Indoor / Outdoor
The team will build a Roller Coster bridge using sticks, Finally a ball will roll over the bridge. Task:The ball should not fall or stop in between and it need to travel from start to end.
Save your eggs

Duration : 30 Minutes, Activity: Mental, Purpose: Team Goal, Location: Indoor / Outdoor
Build a bird nest using the props which we give and keep the egg inside the nest, we drop the, nest from 6 ft height to a concrete floor. Task : The egg should not be break.
Paper Tower Challenge
- Each tower must be constructed from the paper and tape supplied by the teacher. …
- Contestants have a 30-minute period in which to construct their towers. …
- Each tower must be free-standing; it must not be attached to, or lean against any other surface (e.g. floor, wall, desk, etc.)
- Towers must stand for 15 seconds.

Duration: 30 Minutes, Activity: Planning, Purpose: Thought Process, Location: Indoor
Using news papers need to build a tower. Height of the tower will be minimum 6 feet.
Sudoku Podu
Sudoku is a puzzle game consisting of numbers (or letters or objects). The game works on your logical thinking process as you are absorbed in solving a puzzle and eventually improve your number skills. Helps with decision-making: Sudoku not only keeps you absorbed in the game for hours, it also helps you with decision-making and time management skills.

Duration: 10 to 15 Minutes, Activity: Problem Solving, Purpose: Team Planning, Location: Indoor / outdoor
Create your Ad

Duration: 10 to 15 Minutes, Activity: Creative Thinking, Purpose: Team Planning, Location: Indoor / outdoor.
We give a on sport material – Team need to create a ad film and act to promote that material.
Blue Wale

Number of persons : Below 20 members, Duration: 10 Minutes, Activity: Fast Reaction & Team Co-ordination, Purpose: Fast Reaction, Location: Indoor & Outdoor
Team A will choose a secret number between 1 to 10. Team B will enter and return (Ref Image)Team A will lock team b on the secret number comes. Fun loaded game.
Ladders and Sliders
- Each player puts their counter on the space that says ‘start here’.
- Take it in turns to roll the dice. …
- If your counter lands at the bottom of a ladder, you can move up to the top of the ladder.
- If your counter lands on the head of a slider, you must slide down to the bottom of the slider.

Duration: 30 Minutes, Activity: Fun, Purpose: Fun & Gifts, Location: Indoor & Outdoor
Just a Ladder and Slider game to the team, a truth or dare kind of game, Team will get gifts. Suits after lunch and it’s a loop game.
Using the help of the rope the team has to pick the ball from the floor (point A) and take the ball to the opposite place (point B).

Duration:10 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Team co-ordination, Location: Outdoor.
Tug of War
Tug of war is a sport that splits two teams against each other in a test of strength: teams pull on opposite ends of a rope, with the goal being to bring the rope a certain distance in one direction against the force of the opposing team’s pull.

Total members: More, Duration: 10 minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Team strength, Location: Outdoor.
A traditional and incredibly fun game from Tamil Nadu. In this case, however, a beautifully decorated earthen pot is hung high in the air, and people have to smash it with a stick or pole. To make matters harder, participants are blindfolded.

Total persons: More, Duration: 15 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Communication and Concentration, Location: Outdoor.
Water Fly
In this relay race teams race against each other trying to transport as much water as possible in the least amount of time. The cup need to stay on top of the team member’s heads at all times which makes staying dry extremely challenging. A Great exercise for teamwork.

Total persons: More, Duration: 10 to 15 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Team Co-ordination, Location: Outdoor.
A Fun Way to Strengthen Your Team. It is a great method to encourage large and small crowds to work together and enables them to see the outcome of their united effort.

Total persons: Everyone in a team, Duration: 10 to 15 Minutes, Activity: Fun and Stress buster, Purpose: Team co-ordination, Location: Indoor, Outdoor.
It promotes cooperation, communication, and creativity in the group.
By pass
The group is tasked with transporting a small ball through a pipeline that is constructed using half pipes, which the participants themselves are holding in place. From start to finish, the ball must keep moving, it cannot be touched, and it must always roll in one direction.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 10 to 15 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Team Co-ordination, Location: Outdoor.
Flying Hockey
Using the sticks or chart paper team needs to take a ball. Target is to take the ball from point A and place the ball to point B without leaving down.

Total persons: 10 to 20, Duration: 10 Minutes, Activity: Physical and Concentration, Purpose: Team Co-ordination, Location: Outdoor.
Hula Hoops
Place the hula-hoop over two people’s interlocked hands so it cannot escape. The goal of the game is to get the hula-hoop all the way around without anyone letting go of their teammate’s hands. Have group cheer each other on.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 10 to 15 Minutes, Activity: Fun and Stress buster, Purpose: Team Co-ordination, Location: Indoor and Outdoor.
Team need to find the issues on the images and mark it over.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 10 to 15 Minutes, Activity: Testing, Purpose: Knowledge base, Location: Indoor/Outdoor.
Creative Selfie
The Creative selfie Game is an attempt to take the most extreme selfie, or self-taken pictures, possible. The team need to take a Creative selfie, it’s just a creative fun activity.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 10 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Creative, Location: Indoor/Outdoor.
Role Wala
Role Wala is a team building game that requires all participating players to work together in order to win the opposing team. This can be used for the company’s team building game or for outdoor game activities. It’s a playful bonding experience that brings out the winning spirit in every participant.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 10 to 15 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Team Co-ordination, Location: Outdoor.
The team need to draw using a single marker and the marker is connected with ropes. The team need to hold the rope and manage to draw using the marker on chart paper. It’s a fun loaded game.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 15 Minutes, Activity: Mental, Purpose: Team Co-ordination, Location: Indoor.
Ready Steady Go
The team member’s legs are knotted with ropes. The team need to travel from point A to point B. Strategy planning and team Co-ordination is very important to win this game.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 15 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Team Co-ordination, Location: Outdoor.
Jump and Jacks
It was a skill game where decision making. A fun game full of laugh. Each team member needs to cross the sheet using their legs and hands, need to match the print of the vinyl sheet.

Total persons: 10 to 20 Members, Duration: 10 Minutes, Activity: Physical and Concentration, Purpose: Individual Performance, Location: Indoor/Outdoor.
Number Fly
Distribute one printed number so that each person is holding one of each of the 0 to 1 ten numbers.

The game planner (Emcee) will some questions all the answers will be on number only, So which team comes and show the correct answer first they are the winners.
Total Persons: 10 to 20 Members, Duration: 10 Minutes, Activity: Physical and Concentration, Purpose: Individual performance, Location: Outdoor/Indoor.
Alpha Chain
Arrange your team props in Alphabetical order and make the longest chain possible. Very interesting fun game

Total persons: More, Duration: 20 Minutes, Activity: Physical and Mental, Purpose: Team performance, Location: Outdoor/Indoor.
Each team member will hold the balloon and run to point B and sit and burst a balloon on a chair and run back to the team to give a pass.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 10 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Team performance, Location: Outdoor/Indoor.
Marshmallow Tower Challenge
Your team and you must build the tallest possible free-standing structure with the marshmallow on top. It must free-stand for at least 10 seconds while its height is measured. Your team and you have 18 minutes to design and build the tower.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 30 Minutes, Activity: Physical and Mental, Purpose: Team performance, Location: Indoor.
Communication Miss
Communication games are activities and exercises that improve teammates’ ability to exchange information. Communication games are activities that use competitive as well as cooperative team play to promote good communication in a group. Communication games are designed to improve cooperation, reduce conflict, increase awareness of other points of view, improve listening skills, and strengthen the ability to empathize.

This popular corporate game explains how the rumour spread without knowing the truth
Total persons: 10, Duration: 05 Minutes, Activity: Mental, Purpose: Avoid rumours, Location: Indoor/Outdoor.
Fire Walk Challenge
Fire walking, the ultimate challenge designed to break through subconscious barriers and harness the power within, Fire walk event transform mindset. Each team member will walk on the fire. It will give confidence and a thrilling experience to the entire team.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 10 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Build Confidence, Location: Outdoor.
Broken Glass Walk Challenge
Glass Walk is an impactful demonstration of courage, faith and strength. And yes, it involves walking across actual broken glass. This event will help a team break through insecurities and connect on a deeper level. Glass Walking is a great Team Event for facing fears, improving and maintaining focus. It has also been described as meditative and therapeutic.

Total persons: More, Duration: 10 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Build confidence, Location: Outdoor.
Create Your Shape
Give each team a length of rope with the two ends tied together. Each blindfolded player holds part of the rope and by using instructions only, gets their team to create the shape using the rope. Blindfolds help team members to work more closely and develop a sense of trust and coordination. During the blindfold activity, the individuals enter the condition of meditative to be able to see with eyes closed.

Total persons: 10 to 20 persons, Duration: 10 Minutes, Activity: Mental, Purpose: Team Performance, Location: Indoor.
Tiger Goat Challenge
Tiger Goat Challenge is a safe and fun way to burn calories and body fat, improve your balance, strengthen your core muscles, and boost your cardiovascular fitness. Team members can find a single row using the marker.

Total persons: 3+3, Duration: 05 Minutes, Activity: Physical and Concentration, Purpose: Individual Performance, Location: Outdoor/Indoor.
Balloon Tower Challenge
Challenge the teams to make the tallest freestanding tower they can using only the balloons and tape. The base of the structure may be taped to the ground but no other parts of the structure may be taped to the walls or any other things.

Total persons: More, Duration: 15 Minutes, Activity: Physical and Fun, Purpose: Team Performance, Location: Outdoor/Indoor.
Pick the Cup
The announcer randomly shouts head, shoulders, knees, or toes. As the announcer gives commands, the team place their hands on the corresponding location. The announcer repeats steps 2 and 3. When the announcer randomly says CUP, the team quickly try to grab the cup. Fun loaded game.

Total persons: Everyone in the team, Duration: 15 Minutes, Activity: Physical and Fun, Purpose: Team Performance, Location: Indoor/Outdoor.
Cave Boy’s Island
The game planner call’s a random number. The team members based on the number will come and catch the ball first.

Total persons: 10 to 15 persons, Duration: 10 Minutes, Activity: Physical, Purpose: Individual performance, Location: Outdoor/Indoor.
FAQ of Corporate Team Building Activities in Bangalore
When you plan a team building session it contains 3 types of expenses. No1. Resort cost, No 2 Team building organising cost and No 3 is the travelling cost.
Resort cost : The resort cost includes the venue, food, and H-Tea per head cost, In Bangalore the resort cost for a team outing will start from Rs.1200 per head.
Team building organising cost – This included a game planner, team outing materials, an audio system travel cost to the event team and support manpower costs.
Traveling cost to the team: When you plan a team outing always choose the resort which bit far away from your office location. In and around 50 to 80 km travelling time, It’s because a peaceful journey to a good resort will give a good pleasure to your team.
What are team building expenses?
Team building expenses are based on your budget only. If you have a limited budget and limited time then you can choose a budget resort close to your office. So it will cut your travel expenses and other logistic issues. The second expense in the team building will be the team building activity organisers who can lead the team outing for your team. Based on the quality and reviews you can choose the team-building organisers in Bangalore
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